September 2018 –
Sky Ranch Foundation℠, now in our 58th year, continues to support our nation’s at-risk youth on behalf of the Beverage Alcohol Industry.

In photo: Sammie Kavanaugh, Behavioral Health Specialist, Sky Ranch Behavioral Services (SRBS), Mike Donohoe, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Director, SRBS, Peg Donovan, George McCarthy, Anna Bertrand, Behavioral Health Specialist SRBS and Ralph Aguera
The Foundation has recognized and honored long-time wine and spirits industry executive & Foundation Vice President and board member Peggy Donovan for 25+ years of service and dedication in helping rehabilitate at-risk youth.
Ms. Donovan began her career in the beverage alcohol industry working for Kobrand Corporation for more than three decades after which she joined Wirtz Beverage (now Breakthru Beverage Group) working directly with Rocky Wirtz, co-Chairman of Breakthru Beverage Group and the principal owner and chairman of the NHL’s Chicago Blackhawks.
Throughout her impressive career, Ms. Donovan held various positions with W.A.A.B.I. (World Association of the Alcohol Beverage Industries, Inc.) for over 25 years, serving as its President for four of those years. Ms. Donovan also served as President of the Chicago chapter of Alzheimer’s Association. She continues to support the Foundation and also volunteers as Guardian Ad Litem for the State of Florida in her respective county.
Foundation President Ralph Aguera notes, “Whether with her work within the Beverage Alcohol Industry, with the Foundation or elsewhere, Peg is an inspiration and I am proud to call her friend.”
Foundation Chairman George McCarthy comments, “Peg has a seemingly inexhaustible supply of goodness. Her focus and dedication have enhanced our industry and affected countless youth toward achieving a better life.”
Foundation Vice President Mike Dohonoe furthers,” Peg’s contributions have been the important key to the success of Sky Ranch Foundation and to the industry at large. She has an enviable ability to persevere in the most difficult of cases.”
For over fifty years the Sky Ranch Foundation’s SKY RANCH FOR BOYS® has been assisting young people rehabilitate their lives for the better. If you would like to join us in assisting in the rehabilitation of young people, please click on the contact page of our website for details.
The full list of beverage alcohol industry companies who support the Foundation can be accessed via a link on our Support page,, which also offers a link for donations. If you made a donation and do not see your company listed here, please contact
George McCarthy, Chairman
Ralph Aguera, President
About Sky Ranch Foundation ℠ and Sky Ranch For Boys ®
Since 2011, the Foundation ℠ has awarded $3 million in grants to organizations providing support for at-risk youth. Formed in 1961 and building on more than 57 years of tradition, Sky Ranch Foundation ℠ is a tax-exempt charitable organization committed to identifying and offering grants to efficient and effective programs focused on improving the quality of help available to these youth. If you involved with or know of any organization that would fit our commitment we encourage you to visit our web site and apply for a grant.
Sky Ranch Foundation ℠ is governed by a board of directors comprised mainly of active and retired members of the beverage alcohol industry. The Foundation’s ℠ funds have come largely from individuals and companies associated with the beer, wine and spirits industries and reflects the industry’s great concern and commitment for at-risk youth. ℠